
Shamir's Secrets Joined through Sockets - Use ssss remotely

Primary LanguageC

SS.JS - Shamir's Secrets Joined through Sockets

This is a real-life implementation that uses ssss1 to "collaboratively" retrieve a secret on a remote box.

Use case

Alice, Bob and Charlie have an encrypted storage, and they like ssss: they split the keyfile in 3 pieces and set the quorum to 2, so that two of them together can retrieve it, but one alone cannot. They'll later use the keyfile to unlock the encrypted storage.

They put the storage on their server "Zeus". When they want to open it, they run

ssh zeus socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/var/tmp/combinator < my_secret_part

and magically the encrypted volume get mounted.

How it works

It is basically an "accumulator" that receives messages from a socket and, when it's over, launch ssss-combine with the received messages as input. The "secret" that ssss-combine will reveal, will then be written to stdout, so that you can use its output for whatever you want (tipically decrypting something)

Setup on the server

Run cryptsetup luksOpen mydevice --keyfile <(ssserver -n 2)