CENG453 term project repository for group 23
Deadline: 26 Oct 2018
- Checked DB connectivity ✅
- Created Git repository ✅
- Berk Özbalcı submitted a commit ✅
- Doruk Coşkun submitted a commit ✅
Deadline: 16 Nov 2018
In the backend implementation of our game, we have created User and Matches tables in our database and implemented their Interfaces. LeaderboardController has also been added. It provides an interface for users to access to the all time leaderboard and the leaderboard for the most recent week.
Using Player interface, users can send get, post and delete HTTP requests to the server.
Authentication services have been implemented. Users shall send credentials with the HTTP requests to benefit from the provided functionalities.
Anyone can access Leaderboards without providing credentials.
Documentation for interfaces can be found in DOCUMENTATION.md