
Running the app

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Sorry if this should be obvious, but when I run npm dev nothing loads at localhost. I also tried npm run watch and npm run watch-poll. How do you get the app to show at localhost or localhost:3000?

Also when I run the testing library I get this error:

vagrant@homestead:~/code/laravel-meetup$ vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 8.3.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

.Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Does that mean I don't have enough memory to run this?

@virtual What version of Node do you have installed? You can check with node -v

Also, so far the instructions we have in the readme assume you have an environment for running Laravel on your machine, such as Homestead or Valet. You can get the full instructions from the Laravel docs.

This is a brand new project, so we're taking some setup steps for granted. This will improve over time. Thanks for reaching out!

Oh, doh. It looks like you are running it within Homestead, my bad. So, the way the port forwarding works is you have to have your Homestead.yaml file set up with a local domain pointing to the vagrant folder you want to be the document root. Then you need to edit your windows hosts file so when you type it into your browser, it goes to meetup.test or whatever. That's in the aformentioned Laravel docs, but happy to help if you have trouble.

As far as the segfault, try giving the VM more memory by opening up your Virtualbox from your start menu, stopping Homestead, and giving it more default memory (if your system has enough RAM).

@virtual perhaps you could try running the app with the new readme and see how it goes? We're dropping the official Meetup soon so this repo is seeing some activity again!