
up9600 hack on nodemcu

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi Bo, I wondered if you could help.

I have a NodeMCU ESP8266 flashed with zimodem hooked up to a userport on my C64.

It works great and I can use it with user port at 2400 but can't seem to get the up9600 hack working. I'm not sure how to set this up but I've tried setting the baud to 9600 first then setting the modem to UP9600.

At that point I can't type any at commands or anything in at all though so I just have to switch back to User Port on the lower baud again. Thanks for any help with this. :)

You just did things in the wrong order my friend.
When the computer is started, the modem defaults to 1200 baud.
Load up your terminal program and set it to 1200 baud also.
Then go into terminal mode and enter:
-- Now the modem is expecting 9600 baud. Go back to your terminal programs settings menu and change the terminal program baud rate to 9600. Some terminal programs will also require you to change the modem type to UP9600. Once you've done that, go back into terminal mode and you should be good.

Hi Bo, sorry to reopen this but for some reason that doesn't want to work for me.

I can type AT commands no problem and match up the correct bauds needed to communicate with the modem.

I didn't explain very clearly in the previous post.

If I start up the terminal (StrikeTerm2014 or CCGMS etc) I can type AT commands in no problem set at atb1200 with modem type as User Port. Ok so then I type atb9600, go to my main menu and choose modem type as UP9600 instead. Check the baud of the terminal is also set to 9600 too, go back to try type commands and I can't type anything. It is as if the terminal knows I'm trying to use the user port and won't let me go that fast!

So this is where I'm getting stuck... I've got all my jumper pins hooked up right as far as I can see with RTS/CTS, RI, DSR, DCD etc etc and the hookup all works great with the modem set on User Port at the standard 2400 speed - I can BBS away and do everything. I just can't use the UP9600 term hacks for some reason?

Thanks again for any help.

OK, well, if you are doing things in the proper order, then the only possibility remaining is that the UP9600 pins on the user port are incorrect?

Hi thanks. I figured there must be a pin or connection that might need bridging or such. Which pin on the user port is for up9600 detection and where should it be routed?

I haven't been able to find any reference to a UP9600 pin online... Thanks again for the help :)

Hi after more searching around I did find a reference to connecting Pin M on the userport to pin 5 on the userport, as well as b and c also to 7 and L to 6 - is that correct as I'm already using M, B-C and L to my NodeMCU. Do I just jumper them on top also and that will allow it to recognise the UP9600 modem setting?

Oh and one last thing as well as the above (sorry for all the questions!) but once I get UP9600 working does that mean I can't use the same setup on a Commodore C128 or would it still work ok?

Thanks again :)

Hi. I'm afraid I'm not really sure about the hardware side. You've gone beyond my expertise. However, looking at my own modem schematics, that looks right.

UP9600 interferes with Burst Mode on the Commodore 128. So if you do this, you won't be able to use any disk drives with the C128 that have Burst Mode, such as the 1571, 1581, or CMD drives (not sure about uIEC). This is why our own modem has jumpers for UP9600 so that C128 users can turn it off.

Hi thanks Bo I'll give it a try. So if I want to use C128 and I don't bother with UP9600 and just use normal User Port setup without extra UP9600 wiring will the C128 still run faster than 2400 or is User Port always maxed out at 2400 baud?