
Strange Telnet Issue

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I have built the GuruModem versions, as well as adding a small i2c monitor that shows the current baud and Wifi SSID.

However, when I connect to my local Telnet server - the connection is set to Telnet - the [enter] when I enter a command seems to get 'eaten' somehow. For instance if I type 'ls' in my remote session. It overwrites the current line.

ls [enter]

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The 'ls' line is overwritten. It like it is receiving from the server only a cr and not a lf. I've tried different clients, different CRLF settings in ZiModem, and nothing works. I have a GuruModem and it does not do that. I am using an EPS32-Dev board.

Never mind - it appears to be a peculiarity of using a Raspberry Pi as the Telnet Server. Please ignore.