
Add Gopher Client

czarnikjak opened this issue · 2 comments

I am able to use ATD command to stream Gopher pages, for example like this:


However, I cannot access any resources or paths following /
The above just streams the main page again, ignoring /about.

Is this a bug, or a feature request?

Thank you!
BTW, Fantastic firmware!

Hmm.. ATD is just making a TCP connection, so the parser is only looking for Host and Port and that's all. The /stuff is entirely ignored.

Unfortunately, I don't know the gopher protocol. The resource path probably must be sent as a command after the connection happens, like in HTTP. I didn't even know gopher servers were still around -- adding a gopher client might be fun, sorta like we have an HTTP client with AT&G. :)

And -- damn that &G was already taken. :(

Thanks for the suggestion!