
Question when upgrading from 10.10.5 to 10.12.6

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi @bp88,

I'm looking to use this script to update clients from 10.10.5 to 10.12.6. My machines are encrypted with FV2. Will this setup work to prompt if i upgrade to 10.12.6 or only to 10.12.4?


bp88 commented

As it stands, the script can only do a FV2 authenticated restart from a computer running macOS 10.12. This has to do with the fdesetup command and the particular option I'm using to do the authenticated restart. If you really do need the FV authenticated restart then I think you should try upgrading to 10.12.4.

Thanks @bp88 . Just a heads up @roskos has github link has a working link to get an auth restart on 10.10.5+ machines:
