
Page break within a table component

mpsbhat opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm checking some conditions to have a pagebreak within a table after a particular row count. Below is a sample code for the reference.

        var dd = {
                  content: [
                          table: {
                              dontBreakRows: true,
                              headerRows: 0,
                              body: [
                                  ['row Header', 'column B'],
                                  ['row 1', 'column B'],
                                  ['row 2', 'column B'],
                                  ['row 3', 'column B'],
                                  [{text: '', pageBreak: 'after'}, ''],
                                  ['row 4', 'column B'],
                                  ['row 5', 'column B']

In the above sample when i comment headerRows: 1, in table definition then it breaks the table to next page as expected. But when headerRows: 1, is enabled then there is an extra blank page appends soon after breaking the table to next page. Any possibilities to handle this case to avoid the extra blank page?