
dependencies error

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Git error. Command: git rev-list --max-count=1 demo_all
fatal: ambiguous argument 'demo_all': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git [...] -- [...]'

same issue as @josephh24 noticed.
Tried to download your branch of firebase, but can't find FirebaseVisionImage.fromBytes(...

ok, so this one seems good: just need to change from demo_all -> mlkit_android_2 and demo_all -> camera_android_2 :

url: git://github.com/bparrishMines/plugins.git
path: packages/firebase_ml_vision
ref: mlkit_android_2

url: git://github.com/bparrishMines/plugins.git
path: packages/camera
ref: camera_android_2

After adjust pubspec.yaml above. Some tiny compile issue:
Compiler message:
lib/face_expression_reader.dart:44:35: Error: The argument type '(dart.typed_data::Uint8List) โ†’ dart.core::Null' can't be assigned to the parameter type '(#lib1::CameraImage) โ†’ void'.
Try changing the type of the parameter, or casting the argument to '(#lib1::CameraImage) โ†’ void'.
_controller.startByteStream((Uint8List bytes) {

i see the error but i'm not sure how to fix it

Maybe this:

_controller = new CameraController(frontCamera, ResolutionPreset.medium);
_controller.initialize().then((_) {
  _controller.startByteStream((CameraImage image) {

not sure yet how you convert image to Uint8List for _runDetection

it works the only thing is that the interface is just white

CameraImage -> Uint8List bytes -> _runDetection : you are able to convert the CameraImage to bytes?

CameraImage has planes, and each got Uint8List bytes , but not sure how that conversion supposed to happened.

It does not work, it does not change the state of the emoji, I think something is wrong

_controller = new CameraController(frontCamera, ResolutionPreset.medium);
_controller.initialize().then((_) {
  _controller.startByteStream((CameraImage image) {
    if (!_isDetecting) {
      _isDetecting = true;

I tried the above. not working , but still debugging :)

i can't make it work, but it is debugging

there is exception coming from firebase making this : _isDetecting = false to never execute

@josephh24 I've put the reason why it's not building/running in the open issue. hopefully we'll get the conversion from CameraImage to bytes and then the demo can work.

I hope someone finds a way to fix it

@josephh24 see issue #4. issue resolved.

@rai2270 thank you it is working :)