
custom sorting method for a single directory

kolydart opened this issue · 8 comments

First of all, thanks for the great package. It is really helpful and has given to me and my family many happy moments.

Feature description
I'm trying to figure out a way to apply custom sorting method on root directory. For me, the most obvious way to browse a picture gallery is having the latest folders on top in the root directory and the files/folder inside each folder sorted by ascending date.

Proposed solution
A specific directory should have a way to override the general settings for sorting methods. I think the best (simplest) way would be by having a hidden file (ex. .order_descending_name).

More info on my solution
I have all my pictures in folders with prepending date, (ex. 2010.09.02 John's wedding). Sorting the root directory by descending name is the absolutely best approach for the gallery root; recent events are on top.
But, if I set that method to settings, photos inside each folder are in reverse order, having the latest on top, which is not helpful.



I'm not sure if I fully understand your request.
Would you like to have:

  1. Sort subfolders descending and photos ascending in the same folder?
  2. Sort one folder descending and photos ascending in a separate folder?

For 1) I'm not sire if I would like to add this complexity to my app. You can convince me if an other photo does it in a elegant way.
For 2) That should be mostly possible now too. You can have a default sorting setting and override that in the individual folders.

Case 2 was what I was talking about. Sorting by "ascending date" as default (inside each folder under root) and "descending name" in a single folder as override (root only).
I was not aware it can be done.

So, how can I permanently override a specific folder's sorting?
If I change a folder's sorting method using the upper right dropdown button (button#button-alignment) and visit the same folder in another browser, the sorting order is back to the default.

thank you!

yes, the sorting is stored in the browser's cache, so in a different browser is gets back to the default value.

Unfortunately there is no permanent way of doing this currently.

So, would there be any chance of implementing it?
Or using some js code to do it?

Alright. I had some time and added this functionality. :) Here you can see how it works:

'.order_descending_name.pg2conf': SortingMethods.descName,
'.order_ascending_name.pg2conf': SortingMethods.ascName,
'.order_descending_date.pg2conf': SortingMethods.descDate,
'.order_ascending_date.pg2conf': SortingMethods.ascDate,
'.order_random.pg2conf': SortingMethods.random

Basically, you add an empty file like .order_descending_name.pg2conf to a folder and that overrides the default sorting for that folder.

that was fantastic!

Is this recursive to subfolders if they don't have their own .order_*.pg2conf file?

No, it only works in a given folder.