
Where can I find helper code for the book?

mqasimsarfraz opened this issue · 6 comments

While reading the book I am stuck at couple of examples and believe that I will need helper scripts mentioned in the book to continue. Is this the right place?

Hi @mqasimsarfraz thanks for reading our book and sorry for the inconvenience, those are supposed to go live for when the book is released, I believe you are reading the early preview.

I just pushed the examples I wrote #2 - @calavera is going to push the others soon!

Hi @fntlnz, Thanks for the response. I will go through the examples you added.

And yes I just realized that I am reading the early release. So I will close the issue! Great content btw! 👍

Thank you @mqasimsarfraz !! Glad you like it

those are supposed to go live for when the book is released

Hasn't the book been released yet? I'm still missing some of the helper scripts...

Same here

Please. I have a paper copy from KubeCon and can't compile any code from it in any available for me OS.