
A package fine the tet mesh

Primary LanguageJulia


A simple package that finer tetrahedron finite element mesh.

How it work

The module will decompose all the tetrahedron elements into 8 small tetrahedron element. The notation can be seen in Fig.1.

Finer Fig.1. The present decomposing scheme.


using TetMeshFiner 
using AbaAccess 

@time NodeDict,ElemDict,NSetDict,ElsetDict=MeshObtain("test/Model30001.inp");
ElemIDArrayOld = collect(keys(ElemDict));
elemtotalold = length(ElemIDArrayOld);

# obatin all the element edges in the mesh
@time Edge_all = AllEdgeCollect(NodeDict,ElemDict);

# add middle point in the middle of the edges
@time NodeDictNew,EdgeMiddleDictSparse = ConstructSparseDict(NodeDict,Edge_all);

# update the element 
@time ElemDictNew = MeshRefiner(ElemDict,EdgeMiddleDictSpars e);

@time ElsetDictNew = ElsetDictUpdate(ElsetDict,EdgeMiddleDictSparse,elemtotalold=elemtotalold);