
Example not works as expected

msaiducar opened this issue · 9 comments


I tried to run example project using the npm install and npm start command consecutively, however got an error:

This dependency was not found:

* bpmn-js/dist/bpmn-navigated-viewer.production.min.js in ./node_modules/vue-bpmn/dist/index.esm.js

To install it, you can run: npm install --save bpmn-js/dist/bpmn-navigated-viewer.production.min.js

How could I fix that error?

in package.json&package-lock.json files, the section "dependencies",change "vue-bpmn": "file:.." to "vue-bpmn": "0.2.0".after this,it's can running for me.

nikku commented

Cannot reproduce your issue:

git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/vue-bpmn.git
cd vue-bpmn
npm install
cd example 
npm install && npm start

Here what I did, and got.

Cloning into 'vue-bpmn'...  
remote: Enumerating objects: 71, done.  
remote: Counting objects: 100% (71/71), done.  
Receiving objects:   7% (5/71)    (46/46), done.  
Receiving objects:  77% (55/71)   ed 56 (delta 18), pack-reused 0eceiving objects:  76% (54/71)  
Receiving objects: 100% (71/71), 316.89 KiB | 1.23 MiB/s, done.  
Resolving deltas: 100% (30/30), done.  
cd vue-bpmn
npm install
added 198 packages from 172 contributors and audited 1947 packages in 4.224s
found 30 high severity vulnerabilities
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
cd example\
npm install
added 106 packages from 51 contributors and audited 180 packages in 2.374s
found 2 moderate severity vulnerabilities
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
npm start

> vue-bpmn-example@0.0.0 start C:\Users\s.ucar\third-party\vue-bpmn\example
> serve

UPDATE AVAILABLE The latest version of `serve` is 11.1.0

   │                                               │
   │   Serving!                                    │
   │                                               │
   │   - Local:            http://localhost:5000   │
   │   - On Your Network:   │
   │                                               │
   │   Copied local address to clipboard!          │
   │                                               │

In my browser, I hit the URL 'http://localhost:5000/public/' , I can see the text but not the bpmn diagram. I tried both Firefox and Chrome. In the browser's console;

The script from “http://localhost:5000/node_modules/vue-bpmn/dist/vue-bpmn.umd.js” was loaded even though its MIME type (“text/html”) is not a valid JavaScript MIME type.
The script from “http://localhost:5000/node_modules/vue-bpmn/dist/vue-bpmn.umd.js” was loaded even though its MIME type (“text/html”) is not a valid JavaScript MIME type.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “http://localhost:5000/node_modules/vue-bpmn/dist/vue-bpmn.umd.js”. 
ReferenceError: VueBpmn is not defined
nikku commented

What is your npm version:

npm -v
npm -v

Same issue:

npm version is 6.9.0

here's my steps:

  1. git clone https://github.com/bpmn-io/vue-bpmn.git

  2. cd vue-bpmn

  3. npm install:

    audited 147 packages in 1.207s
    found 0 vulnerabilities
  4. cd example

  5. npm install:

    audited 179 packages in 0.854s
    found 0 vulnerabilities
  6. npm start:

    > vue-bpmn-example@0.0.0 start /home/gordon/Documents/repo/github/vue-bpmn/example
    > serve
    UPDATE AVAILABLE The latest version of `serve` is 11.1.0
       │                                                   │
       │   Serving!                                        │
       │                                                   │
       │   - Local:            http://localhost:5000       │
       │   - On Your Network:   │
       │                                                   │
       │   Copied local address to clipboard!              │
       │                                                   │

It reveals the packaged vue-bpmn version is missing


Since we use a local dependency in the example, we have to bundle it first: npm run bundle. So it would look like (overall):

git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/vue-bpmn.git
cd vue-bpmn
npm install
npm run bundle
cd example 
npm install && npm start

We should consider adding this instruction in the example's README.

nikku commented

I've updated the example via f9b56f5 to work with the released version of the library.