
Image Doesn't Display!

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Thank you for your amazing work!

Got problem working with images, as you can see in below screenshots, images are not showing in the page.

I wonder what would be the problem?


Hi @maylmeto
Thanks for the compliment and giving this project a try.
Can you perhaps just double check / send me the path to the images? What I am after: Did the images successfully uploaded to /public/uploads/images/xxxx.png and what is the src tag in those images on that page?

Just checked, images did upload to the path as you mentioned but still images are not showing in the page.



Can you confirm the APP_URL in the .env file? I see the path is http://localhost ? Might it be that its missing the port or perhaps you have a shorter url like http://site.test. You can also try to have the src be src=/uploads/images/{{ xxxx }} If that makes sense ? I think the helper file for it is {{ $news->cover_photo->thumb_url }} or what do u have now?

Thank you for your help!

Yes, as you said, i had problem with image path. Now, it is fixed.

Awesome, happy its working!
Please shout if u have any questions or issues. Have fun