
Compatibility issue symfony < 3.3

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi @bpolaszek

I work with OroCRM application which use symfony 2.8 and doctrine 2.5.5.

For compatibility issue I have to change one line in DependencyInjection/Configuration.php


replaced by


And when I implement UserSubscription entity I use json_array doctrine type, it is deprecated since doctrine 2.6

     * @var array
     * @ORM\Column(type="json_array")
    private $subscription;

The last problem is that it seems that the controller SubscriptionAction cannot be instantiated because I need https://github.com/dunglas/DunglasActionBundle for compatibility.

Type error: Too few arguments to function BenTools\WebPushBundle\Action\SubscriptionAction::__construct(), 0 passed in /home/sinabs/sites/dev.orocrm.sinabs.fr/app/cache/dev/classes.php on line 2604 and exactly 2 expected

The bundle load the following directories :

                    ->info('List of directories relative to the kernel root directory containing classes.')

So I try to add custom configuration in config.yml

        - %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/bentools/webpush-bundle/src/Action

But now when I clear cache I have the following error which i don't know how to solve

  Unable to autowire argument of type "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface" for the service "bentools\webpushbundle\action\sub  
  scriptionaction". Multiple services exist for this interface (security.context, security.token_storage, oro_security.token_accessor).

Do you know how to solve this error ?

Hello @AdriwanKenoby,

I'll try to add tests with multiple versions of SF as soon as possible.

Theorically you should not require dunglas/action-bundle - the controller is defined in services.xml and it should work without it.

Maybe on my setup the autowiring overrides this, I have to check this out.

For Doctrine, change json_array to json.


I've figured out that the controller service must be public or it will not work on SF 2.8. I'll fix this.

Can you please try composer require bentools/webpush-bundle dev-master#21dfd15a9ecf29dbc8b57247872a137a39d3ee89 ? I've done a fix that should work with your configuration.

I had remove dunglas/action bundle and test composer require bentools/webpush-bundle dev-fix-2 and it works great.
Thanks a lot for your work @bpolaszek and your help.

In order to work in all cases I have to change line 70 in WebPushManagerRegistry.php

if (is_object($userClass)) {
            $userClass = get_class($userClass)


if (is_object($userClass)) {
            $em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager(); 
            $userClass = $em->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor(get_class($userClass))->getName();

I will make a PR.

Actually this method accepts either a class name (string) or an object. The lines just before make sure this class or object implements UserInterface, it retrieves the corresponding manager.

Because of this, at line 70 $userClass is necessarily a class name implementing Symfony's UserInterface, which may, or may not, be managed by Doctrine (you can manage your users with an API, for instance.