
Path to cacert.pem is wrong in the latest version 8.0.0

vikcheema opened this issue · 2 comments

This issue creates a Fatal error while saving the settings of the plugin in the wp-admin. The reason is the path to the cacert.pem file is not resolving correctly. While verifying settings in the wp-admin the error can be replicated as well.

To resolve the issue until you guys releases a fix, I applied a temporary fix.
File /wp-content/plugins/simple-sales-tax/includes/vendor/bporcelli/php-taxcloud/lib/TaxCloud/Client.php

Line 472:

CURLOPT_CAINFO => realpath(dirname(FILE) . '../../../cacert.pem'),

Replace with

CURLOPT_CAINFO => dirname(dirname(dirname(FILE))) . '/cacert.pem',

This issue is only happening in the latest release 8.0.0

I hope this helps others who have updated to the latest version.

Thanks @vikcheema. This has been fixed in v8.0.1.

@bporcelli thanks for taking prompt action!