
data_fabric causing error to resque-mailer

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I am using data_fabric from master branch for database replication and resque mailer for batch email processing. I found that data_fabric is causing below error to the resque-mailer. This error stops the processing of resque mailer and it usually occurs immediately after sending the first mail

PGError: ERROR: prepared statement "a3" already exists
: SELECT DISTINCT(attr.attname)
FROM pg_attribute attr
INNER JOIN pg_depend dep ON attr.attrelid = dep.refobjid AND attr.attnum = dep.refobjsubid
INNER JOIN pg_constraint cons ON attr.attrelid = cons.conrelid AND attr.attnum = cons.conkey[1]
WHERE cons.contype = 'p'
AND dep.refobjid = $1::regclass

Would you please help me out to resolve the above issue?

Note: The same type of issue I faced earlier and I resolved it using the code mentioned in below URL.

Any update on the above issue?