
In classDiagram methods: abstract, static and return value are conflicting

dtyeos opened this issue · 1 comments


Note that Mermaid Preview is also sometimes in trouble:

Are those all valid use cases? In the docs it looks like visibility should be after the method, not the return type.

I think these are valid and currently working:

  • +foo(X x)
  • +staticfoo(X x)$
  • +abstractfoo(X x)*

These are valid but need proper highlighting:

  • +abstractstaticfoo(X x)*$
  • +abstractstaticfoo(X x)$*

I think the rest are invalid because of either:

  • A space between the method and the abstract/static. The docs suggest after the () and only show with no space.
  • Abstract/static needs to occur after the method, not the return value (eg +staticbar(X x) retval$)