
Convert to a package

Closed this issue · 1 comments

@br0xen I am using boltdb in one of my projects and I like boltbrowser. I would like to embed boltbrowser into my application binary. To do this, I need to be able to import it as a package. Current package name (main) does not allow me to that. I propose to move all code files except boltbrowser.go into a new package under This will not break backwards compatibility and will allow other packages to import boltbrowser as a library. I can send you a PR if it's okay. Are you happy with this change?

So, a couple of thoughts about this:

  • If I switch this to be a package, along with that comes an expectation of supporting it as a package, I currently don't have the time or desire to do that... Changing any exported things could break any packages that are importing it, then I have to deal with that...
  • I've built everything to be coupled to package main, I'm not sure what all would be required to change that.

Having said all that, it's open source, feel free to grab it and use it however you want!