
Global settings for access mixins

Nicals opened this issue · 1 comments

In a project, we usually have a global way of handling accesses in views.
The problem with access current access mixins, we need to configure raise_exception, redirect_unanthenticated_users and other mixins settings in the view class.
If I'm not wrong, their is two way of having the same settings on all views:

  • create our own AccessMixins with those attribute set to our required values.
  • set those settings in each views.

In one of my project, I had a huge number of views I needed to re-configure access for.

I think we need to have some globals settings that should be set to configure access mixins default attribute values. For exemple:

# file:

    'access_raise_exception': True,
    'redirect_unauthenticated_users': True,

I think this could be achieve by setting the raise_exception attribute to None. This should tell to use default value from settings. Other value than None would override the setting value. For exemple, something like that:

class AccessMixin(object):
    def get_raise_exception(self):
        if self.raise_exception is None:
            return getattr(settings, 'BRACES', dict()).get('access_raise_exception', False)
        return self.raise_exception

    def handle_no_permission(self, request):
        raise_exception = self.get_raise_exception()
        if raise_exception:
            # ...

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