
.gitignore not ignoring _site folder in Jekyll site

xtoq opened this issue · 6 comments

xtoq commented

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have a .gitignore file and a Jekyll site.
  2. Ignore the _site folder inside the Jekyll site.
  3. Run jekyll serve to build the site.

Expected outcome

  • The _site folder and all subfolders/files should be ignored by Git.

Actual outcome

  • The folder and all subfolders/files are not ignored, creating a PITA when trying to develop a Jekyll site.
  • I've even tried ignoring the files specifically with no joy.

Additional Information

  • This might be related to #1309 but my issue is not simply a UI bug.
  • I haven't experienced this issue on other repos that are not Jekyll, but I haven't really looked into it. I can do that if you need.
  • I'm on Windows 10, Brackets v1.70-16898, latest version of Brackets Git.


hi @xtoq

  1. open a terminal
  2. go to project dir
  3. execute git status and paste its result here please
xtoq commented

I've even started a new Jekyll project, thinking that maybe there was something wonky in the one I was working on. This is based on Jekyll Blank, but the behavior is the same. As soon as jekyll serve compiles the final files, Brackets Git shows that there are changed files in the _site folder.

I'm on Windows 10, btw. Sorry for not providing that information before!

Here are the results of my git status:

On branch dev-blank
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/dev-blank' by 4 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   _site/index.html

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Contents of my entire .gitignore file:


# Jekyll stuff
xtoq commented

I've been doing some digging, and this happen in Atom too, which leads me to believe it's something with my .gitignore file, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what. I tried changing the encoding of the .gitignore based on the answer from this SO question but that didn't work either. Do you have any other suggestions of what might be the problem before I take the issue to the Git bug forum or the Jekyll one? Thanks in advance for your help.

xtoq commented

I seem to have fixed the issue. I neglected to do the git rm -r --cached . portion of the SO answer. After I ran that command, all the _site folders and files disappeared from my git status output (the encoding was unnecessary as they were already encoded correctly). What's weird though is that the .gitignore with the _site folder has been in the repo since the beginning, so I'm not sure exactly how the _site files ever got added to the index to need to be removed in the first place...

Sounds more like a Jekyll thing and not a Git or Brackets (or Brackets Git!) thing. Hopefully this information might help someone else though!

I was going to close the issue, but thought I'd leave it open on the off chance there's something that needs to be done on the Brackets Git side. Thanks again for your help!

@xtoq you rock! Thank you for figuring this out. I have been sudo-manually removing _site/ from my commits. Also at least for me, I had to repeat git rm -r --cached . for each branch I was working on. Hope this helps, best.

Does this mean the issue is closed?