
Bad Method Call Exception - Method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::share does not exist.

syarifuddinahmads opened this issue · 0 comments

i am using laravel version 9.* and implementing the package you made, where i found the error

in this section the share method method is not recognized

public function register()
		$configPath = __DIR__ . '/../../config/config.php';
		$this->mergeConfigFrom($configPath, 'googlmapper');

		$this->app['mapper'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
			return new Mapper(

and the solution i have to replace it by directly calling like this

public function register()
		$configPath = __DIR__ . '/../../config/config.php';
		$this->mergeConfigFrom($configPath, 'googlmapper');

		$this->app['mapper'] = function($app)
			return new Mapper(

Is there another better solution, so you don't need to change on the part of the vendor, thanks