
Ansible Lab with Vagrant

To prepare a sample lab environment for testing Ansible , you can use Vagrant to create an environment with 3 nodes as follows:

lab-ans-control :  control.example.com
lab-ans-ansible1:  ansible1.example.com
lab-ans-ansible2:  ansible2.example.com


  • The environment is not secure and it is only for testing Ansible.
  • All passwords of ansible users are ansible.
  • The vagrant user is sudoer on all nodces.
  • The ansible user is sudoer in all of nodes.
  • In the home of ansible user on lab-ans-control, the sandervanvugt/rhce8-live repository is already checked out here: /home/_ansible_/rhce8-live.

Steps to prepare the environment on your host Linux:

  • Install VirtualBox© based on your Linux distribution from here
  • Install Vagrant© based on your Linux distribution from here
  • Install git
  • Running the Vagrant environment on your host Linux:
    • To check, if VirtualBox is installed correct

      $ vboxmanage --version
      5.2.36r135684       # Without any Error
    • To check, if Vagrant is installed correct

      $ vagrant --version
      Vagrant 2.x.x       # Without any Error
    • Clone repository of the course into your existing path like /path/to/repos

      $ git clone https://github.com/sandervanvugt/rhce8-live.git /path/to/repos/rhce8-live
      $ cd /path/to/repos/rhce8-live/ansible-lab
    • Check the validity of Vagrantfile with your installed version

      $ vagrant validate
      Vagrantfile validated successfully.
    • Start Vagrant

      $ vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
      # It can take a long time depending on the speed of your PC and internet access.
      # You should see a lot of log for each node.
    • Vagrant Status

      $ vagrant status                
      Current machine states:
      lab-ans-ansible1          running (virtualbox)
      lab-ans-ansible2          running (virtualbox)
      lab-ans-control           running (virtualbox)
    • Access to Vagrant Nodes via SSH:

      $ vagrant ssh lab-ans-control   
      Last login: Mon Jan 20 11:26:32 2020 from
      [vagrant@control ~]$ su - ansible
      Password: ansible
      Last login: Mon Jan 20 11:26:41 UTC 2020 on pts/0
      # Check the access to managed node 1
      [ansible@control ~]$ ssh ansible1.example.com
      Last login: Mon Jan 20 11:26:52 2020 from
      [ansible@ansible1 ~]$ logout
      Connection to ansible1.example.com closed.     
      # Check the access to managed node 2
      [ansible@control ~]$ ssh ansible2.example.com
      Last login: Mon Jan 20 11:26:57 2020 from
      [ansible@ansible2 ~]$ logout
      Connection to ansible2.example.com closed.
      $ vagrant ssh lab-ans-ansible1
      $ vagrant ssh lab-ans-ansible2
    • Access to all created nodes via GUI of VirtualBox is possible, more info here

      $ vagrant ssh lab-ans-control
      [vagrant@control ~]$ sudo su - ansible
      Last login: Mon Jan 20 12:33:58 UTC 2020
      [ansible@control ~]$ ll
      total 0
      drwxrwxr-x. 14 ansible ansible 244 Jan 20 12:34 rhce8-live
      [ansible@control ~]$ ll rhce8-live/
      total 20
      -rwxrwxr-x. 1 ansible ansible  151 Jan 20 12:34 countdown
      drwxrwxr-x. 4 ansible ansible  212 Jan 20 12:34 lesson11
      drwxrwxr-x. 3 ansible ansible  156 Jan 20 12:34 lesson12
      drwxrwxr-x. 3 ansible ansible  119 Jan 20 12:34 lesson13
      drwxrwxr-x. 3 ansible ansible  271 Jan 20 12:34 lesson15
      drwxrwxr-x. 7 ansible ansible 4096 Jan 20 12:34 lesson16
      drwxrwxr-x. 2 ansible ansible  102 Jan 20 12:34 lesson2
      drwxrwxr-x. 2 ansible ansible  181 Jan 20 12:34 lesson4
      drwxrwxr-x. 4 ansible ansible   90 Jan 20 12:34 lesson5
      drwxrwxr-x. 4 ansible ansible   32 Jan 20 12:34 lesson7
      drwxrwxr-x. 2 ansible ansible 4096 Jan 20 12:34 lesson8
      drwxrwxr-x. 3 ansible ansible  194 Jan 20 12:34 lesson9
      -rw-rw-r--. 1 ansible ansible   13 Jan 20 12:34 README.md
      -rw-rw-r--. 1 ansible ansible  457 Jan 20 12:34 setup_repo.yml
    • To stop the nodes of Vagrant vagrant halt

    • To delete the nodes of Vagrant vagrant destroy

    • Running a sample playbook rhce8-live/lesson4/install-httpd.yml :

      • The sample on the control node:
        vagrant ssh lab-ans-control
        [vagrant@control ~]$ sudo su - ansible
        Last login: Mon Jan 20 12:51:13 UTC 2020
        [ansible@control ~]$ cd rhce8-live/lesson4
        [ansible@control lesson4]$ cat install-httpd.yml
        - name: install httpd
        hosts: ansible2.example.com
        - name: install package
          name: httpd
          state: present
        - name: create an index.html
          content: 'welcome to this webserver'
          dest: /var/www/html/index.html
        - name: start the service
          name: httpd
          state: started
          enabled: true
        - name: open firewall
          service: http
          permanent: yes
          state: enabled
      • The execution result of ansible-playbook on the control node:
        [ansible@control lesson4]$ ansible-playbook install-httpd.yml
        PLAY [install httpd] **************************************************************************************************
        TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************
        ok: [ansible2.example.com]
        TASK [install package] ************************************************************************************************
        changed: [ansible2.example.com]
        TASK [create an index.html] *******************************************************************************************
        changed: [ansible2.example.com]
        TASK [start the service] **********************************************************************************************
        changed: [ansible2.example.com]
        TASK [open firewall] **************************************************************************************************
        changed: [ansible2.example.com]
        PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************
        ansible2.example.com       : ok=5    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
      • Check the installed httpd on the control node:
        [ansible@control lesson4]$ curl http://ansible2.example.com
        welcome to this webserver
      • Check the installed httpd on the second managed node, the same result:
        vagrant ssh lab-ans-ansible2
        [vagrant@ansible2 ~]$ curl http://localhost/
        welcome to this webserver

complete update