
Doesn't seem to work in Windows 11

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I never tried this in Windows 10, so I don't know if it's my setup, but I'm trying this in Windows 11 and it's not doing anything. Toggling HDR, changing color modes, nothing does anything.

Same here. It worked perfectly on 10 but doesn't work at all on 11.

If you don't know, you can simply switch hdr without any software, just press win+alt+b
And don't forget enable "autohdr" in w11

If you don't know, you can simply switch hdr without any software, just press win+alt+b And don't forget enable "autohdr" in w11

Started using that the other day, really convenient!

Is there any shortcut for adjusting the sdr -> brightness slider? I've found this is an excellent and easy way to adjust screen brightness--something desktop windows lacks--however it's pretty inconvenient.

Is there any shortcut for adjusting the sdr -> brightness slider? I've found this is an excellent and easy way to adjust screen brightness--something desktop windows lacks--however it's pretty inconvenient.

Twinkle tray

Twinkle Tray attempts to control monitor brightness, which doesn't work with an AVR (or various displays). The HDR brightness slider is a software brightness solution, and so works on any setup.

I want to use this with Sunshine and turn off HDR when I launch Moonlight and turn HDR on again if I stop using it.

I'm not sure if I can even do this in command line; nothing seems to happen when I use it in command line.