
Document grpc-dump output format

bradleyjkemp opened this issue · 5 comments

Without a proper specification of the dump output format it's hard for users to write parsers, etc. for the output of grpc-dump.

I think it would be useful to also have some sample jq expressions for people to get started with. I can help out with that if you'd like. :)

This would be great 🙂 I was thinking about having a full walkthrough using something like as an example so this would fit in very nicely.

What example expressions were you thinking of? Off the top of my head maybe we could have: filtering for requests that returned an error, filtering for requests for a specific service/method, and some sort of counting/summarisation?

Things like filtering for metadata, the client response, the server, first element of a repeated series. I will make a tiny pr tonight and throw it in for some help. If there are other things that you are looking to add and want some help i'd be keen, i wanted to build something similar to what you did here for quite some time now actually 👍

Very happy to accept help. In the short term I'm going to do some hardening against misconfiguration e.g. this TODO:

// TODO: verify that this destination doesn't resolve to the proxy itself

But feature-wise, adding support for the gRPC reflection API would be really useful. grpc-dump already has some support for loading protos to use to convert requests to JSON but being able to load these from the destination would be a much nicer experience. Would you be interested in looking at that?

Also looking for some good ideas on how to solve #6 but it seems quite a tricky one...

Yes, actually i have been looking into the reflection api in the past couple of weeks for some things at work. Happy to go deeper on that :) About #6 give me a bit of time to get the context.