
Titles with colons causes an error saying '... contains invalid WIN32 path characters'

SteveDunn opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi - thankyou for sharing such a great template.

I'm converting my blog from wordpress and using your template. A lot of my titles have colons in them, like:

title: "Updated: Blah blah blah!"

When I run eleventy from the windows command line, I get an error:

Problem writing Eleventy templates: (more in DEBUG output)
> Having trouble writing template: _site/posts/updated:-Blah-blah-blah!/index.html

`TemplateWriterWriteError` was thrown
> _site/posts/update-:-blah-blah-blah! contains invalid WIN32 path characters.

I did look at this page and tried this in elvenety.js, but to no avail:

const slugify = require("slugify");
let opts = {
    permalink: true,
    permalinkClass: "direct-link",
    permalinkSymbol: "#",

    // this is the same function shared above
    slugify: function(input) {
      const options = {
        replacement: "-",
        remove: /[&,+()$~%.'":*?<>{}]/g,
        lower: true
      return slugify(input, options);

I don't get this issue when I use elevent-bae-blah

Any help much appreciated.


I don't get this when Netlify builds it.