
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Functional state management abstraction for use with Facebook React

react-cursor is an opinionated javascript implementation of the Cursor concept first seen in Om, and inspired by functional zippers.

Cursors makes it easy for us work with deeply nested immutable values that are backed by React state. This means we can store our entire application state in a single nested immutable value, allowing completely stateless React views.

One of the React maintainers wrote:

[React is] there when you want to treat state as an implementation detail of a subcomponent. This is only because we don't have a good way of externalizing state changes, while simultaneously keeping the nature of them private.

Cursors solve this problem.


react-cursor offers the following benefits:

  • single mutable ref to app state
  • cursors for encapsulation and modularity
  • O(1) deep equality checks (like Om)
  • fastest possible react performance
  • Manipulate deeply nested immutable values backed by React state
  • Decouple your application state from the shape of the DOM, allowing application state to be normalized
  • Mechanically eliminates React's double setState issue.


Given a React component with state like this:

var App = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function () {
        return {
            "a": 10,
            "b": {
                "foo": {
                    "bar": 42,
                    "baz": ['red', 'green']
    render: function () {
        return <pre>{JSON.stringify(this.state, undefined, 2)}</pre>;

Construct a cursor:

var Cursor = require('path/to/react-cursor').Cursor;

var cursor = Cursor.build(this) // `this` is the React component's this pointer
                                // or the return value of React.renderComponent

Cursors have refine, value and onChange:

cursor.refine('a').value            //=> 10
cursor.refine('b').refine('foo').value      //=> { 'bar': 42, 'baz': ['red', 'green'] }
cursor.refine('b').refine('foo').onChange({ 'bar': 43, 'baz': ['red', 'green'] })
cursor.refine('b', 'foo', 'baz', 1).onChange('blue')

Cursors are heavily memoized to preserve reference equality between equivalent cursors, such that we can implement React.shouldComponentUpdate trivially and O(1):

shouldComponentUpdate: function (nextProps, nextState) {
    return this.props.cursor !== nextProps.cursor;

Due to the nature of React, this is a critical optimization when your application grows large. react-cursor provides this optimization as a mixin which can be used like so:

var ImmutableOptimizations = require('path/to/react-cursor').ImmutableOptimizations

see ImmutableOptimizations.js.

Cursors also have pendingValue() for use in event handlers. This solves the double setState bug.

example app

Cursors make it trivial to implement a React JSON editor:

live demo

Comparisons to similar libraries

There exist several similar libraries (most notably Cortex) that tackle exactly the same problem. react-cursor has one distinguishing feature: the ability to trivially implement a correct shouldComponentUpdate. Note that to do this correctly, not only do equivalent values at equal paths need to be ===, but onChange handlers at equal paths also need to be ===. (If the path changes, the DOM event handlers may need to be updated as well, requiring a render.)

I also believe react-cursor is the only library that attempts to address React's double setState issue.


value and onChange are the chosen nomenclature to directly line up with React's value/onChange convention.

Cursors are implemented in terms of React.addons.update.

react-cursor currently depends on underscore, but this will be factored out (sooner if someone asks me for it).

Please email the maintainer (dustin.getz@gmail.com) with questions, discussion or feature requests.


The initial prototypes of react-cursor were pair programmed by Dustin Getz and Daniel Miladinov.


react-cursor is governed under the MIT License.