
assert start_index is not None and stop_index is not None and stop_index > start_index

von216 opened this issue · 2 comments

if stop_index is None and output[(dim_range - 1) - index,:,:].sum() >= 10: # from the end

Hi, could you help me this this error. there is none because of start_index = None, stop_index = None

Hi, start_index and stop_index is defined as None (in Lines 122,123) and would remain as None in the case when if statement (Lines 125 & 127) does not evaluate to True. This might be because output[index,:,:].sum() >= 10(Line 125) and output[(dim_range - 1) - index,:,:].sum() >= 10(Line 127) in the if-statement does not evaluate to True.

I would presume that the Image being supplied to the patch_builder function is empty and hence you receive the above error..