
CN translation questions

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I'm trying to add Chinese translation to this game and met some problems.

I am able to follow the instruction and have finished the tutorial translation. After creating a CN language zip and replace it with the original lua files, the in game text shows "?" for all chars I have put in. The issue seems like to be in game folder "IntoTheBreach/Scripts/fonts.lua". It takes Nunito font as the code shows, which only support english character. I was thinking to substite a Chinese font file inside, but due to my limited knowledge I couldnt find where the font file locates. Maybe its integrated in some raw files?

`FontStyles = {

PilotBarks = StyleInfo( "fonts/NunitoSans_Regular.ttf", 14 ),  
CeoBriefing = StyleInfo( "fonts/NunitoSans_Regular.ttf", 14),
Objectives = StyleInfo( "fonts/NunitoSans_Regular.ttf", 12 ),  
TooltipTitle = StyleInfo( "fonts/NunitoSans_Bold.ttf", 14), 
TooltipText = StyleInfo("fonts/NunitoSans_Regular.ttf", 12),
PilotXP = StyleInfo("fonts/NunitoSans_Regular.ttf", 12),
BattleObjective = StyleInfo("fonts/NunitoSans_Regular.ttf", 12),

CorpText = StyleInfo("fonts/NunitoSans_Regular.ttf", 15),
CorpHeadings = StyleInfo("fonts/NunitoSans_Bold.ttf", 15),

HangarNames = StyleInfo("fonts/NunitoSans_Bold.ttf", 15),
Copyright = StyleInfo("fonts/NunitoSans_Bold.ttf", 15),

} `

In this case, I am wondering, does it mean it is impossible to translate it to Chinese by now? Do you have any idea about that?

pilax commented


The character problem with French accents is the same as the problem with Chinese characters.

You must replace the fact that the game will be used to display correctly.
This requires extracting the Resource.dat, replacing the font and repack Resource.dat.

You can find more explanation in this topic:

Hoping to have been able to help

Thanks pilax, I did some research and found about the same solution from a Japanese translation group lol

pilax commented

yes super!
I hope it will be 100% functional, the one in French is not yet developed, there are some characters in "?"

He cool. Maybe i will try something for the fonts.

So, finally i have created to tools to pack/unpack all images and font files from the game file resource.dat. Now it should be possible to experiment with font/image modifying.