[PROJECT] Adding Niivue to ChRIS_ui
Opened this issue · 2 comments
https://chrisproject.org/ is a web platform for running scientific + clinical software on the cloud, mostly used for neuroimaging. Our goal is to add support for using Niivue as an output file visualizer for the ChRIS user interface.
A use case of interest is to use ChRIS, Niivue, and the New England Research Cloud together as a showcase for some exemplar datasets and pipelines developed by our lab, the FNNDSC
In ChRIS, data and computational experiments are organized in "feeds." A feed can either be public or not public. Non-public feeds require authorization to view, whereas public feeds can be retrieved more easily. It is straightforward to use Niivue on public feed data, however niivue/niivue#776 is blocking on the integration of Niivue and non-public feeds.
Love that - this will also allow Boostlet.org to run within the environment, if NiiVue is available as a global window.nv. :)
Hackathon follow-up: a week later, I have a MVP and a new open-source repo.