
Grants for procedure/function always re-applied

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We are trying to grant "execute" for a number of groups on procedure/functions in public schema and terraform constantly wants to re-apply grants.

# redshift_grant.grant_group_public_schema_procedure_grants["xapi"] will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "redshift_grant" "grant_group_public_schema_procedure_grants" {
        id          = "gn:xapi_ot:procedure_public"
      ~ privileges  = [
          + "execute",
        # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)

DEBUG logs snippet:

2022/12/06 12:19:10 [WARN] Provider "" produced an unexpected new value for redshift_grant.grant_group_public_schema_procedure_grants["xapi"] during refresh.
      - .privileges: planned set element cty.StringVal("execute") does not correlate with any element in actual
2022/12/06 12:19:10 [TRACE] EvalWriteState: using RefreshState for redshift_grant.grant_group_public_schema_procedure_grants["xapi"]
2022/12/06 12:19:10 [TRACE] EvalWriteState: recording 51 dependencies for redshift_grant.grant_group_public_schema_procedure_grants["xapi"]

Redshift provider version: 1.0.3
Terraform version: 0.14.9

Symptoms look similar to #94 .