
Enum is not working in Rails 5, Active Support 5.2.2, enum set returns empty array always

cesar82 opened this issue · 7 comments

I created a new project with rails 5 and added the gem, I can save the enum correctly in the db but when I load the model from db, the attribute only returns #<Enumerize::Set {}> empty.

I tried with and without multiple and same behavior.

@cesar82 hey, sorry for the late response but can you please provide sample app that reproduce the issue? I'm using it in various Rails 5 projects and it works as expected.

@nashby I encounter the same issue using rails, enumerize 2.3.1.

# db/migrate/20190521060849_add_administrator_roles.rb
class AddAdministratorRoles < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    add_column :administrators, :roles, :string

# app/models/administrator.rb
class Administrator < ApplicationRecord
  extend Enumerize
  serialize :roles, Array
  enumerize :roles, in: [:admin, :user_support], multiple: true

Administrator.first.roles initially returns #<Enumerize::Set {}>. I then run Administrator.first.roles << :admin,, after which Administrator.first.roles still returns #<Enumerize::Set {}>.

@sedubois do you save after you run Administrator.first.roles << :admin?

@sedubois the thing is that you're calling save on a new object which is not modified with :admin changes. I'm pretty sure that following will work:

admin = Administrator.first
admin.roles << :admin

Administrator.first.roles # => [:admin]

OK I think this is some feature/bug from ActiveRecord. It works when passing the data to update directly:

Administrator.first.update(roles: [:admin])
=> #<Enumerize::Set {admin}>

I first tried the << operator as suggested in the README but now that I check again, that example was for POROs ("Array-like attributes with plain ruby objects"). It might be helpful to enhance the README with an ActiveRecord example of how to actually update a record. Pity << doesn't seem to work.

Would like an update on the subject if anyone has details of why is this bug is caused