
MEG: Could not open file "coil_model.txt"

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I can't compute a FEM model for MEG.
Am I doing anything wrong?

Files saved in the temp folder:

Output in Brainstorm:

DUNEURO> Installation path: C:\Users\franc\.brainstorm\bst_duneuro\bin\bst_duneuro_meeg_win64.exe
DUNEURO> Writing temporary files to: C:\Users\franc\.brainstorm\tmp
DUNEURO> System call: "C:\Users\franc\.brainstorm\bst_duneuro\bin\bst_duneuro_meeg_win64.exe" "C:\Users\franc\.brainstorm\tmp\"
DUNEURO> Error log:
Reading 3d Gmsh grid...
version 2.2 Gmsh file detected
file contains 18836 nodes
file contains 47504 elements
number of real vertices = 9274
number of boundary elements = 0
number of elements = 47504
volume_conductor.time_reading_gmsh = 4.56321
tensors = 3
time = 0
volume_conductor.time_reading_tensors = 0
volume_conductor.time_reordering_indices = 0
volume_conductor.time = 4.56321
degree = 1
element_type = tetrahedron
WARNING: You are using AMG without SuperLU! Please consider installing SuperLU, or set the usesuperlu flag to false to suppress this warning.
Dune reported error: Dune::IOError [read:/home/juan/bst-duneuro/src/duneuro/duneuro/io/field_vector_reader.hh:26]: Could not open file "coil_model.txt"!


It seems that duneuro can not read the "coil_model.txt",
from the mini file :
filename = coil_model.txt
filename = projection_model.txt

I think you need to add the full path to name as it's the case for the dipole for example

filename = C:\Users\franc.brainstorm\tmp\dipole_model.txt

either for coil and projection.

Could you try with this?

Oops, indeed, I didn't catch that.
It's fixed now, thanks.