FFO and relative urls
sleepless-ninja opened this issue · 0 comments
FFO works great for static sites but when implementing for use in, let's say, a WordPress theme and have pretty permalinks.... well, things don't work.
The reason being is that you're not likely to use absolute URLs for assets within CSS. So the logical solution is to use the HTML Base tag... which works. Now try to create static links in your design and apply JS to create behavior of said links to manipulate content... well... then you are almost always going to have to prevent default behavior because of the Base tag is interfering :)
What I'm trying to say is, for the love that is anything good, is there a way to tell FFO the absolute location of the assets or can you please incorporate the option?
Solving a problem while running on fumes is never a good idea :)
I got caught out from my own doing and got lost while at it. Closing this.