
Getting ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND when trying to use readme code sample

AleksandrHovhannisyan opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm unable to use the module; this may be user error, but I also tried writing tests for the package and ran into a similar error where both ava and jest were unable to find @bramus/range unless I changed the import to @bramus/range/dist/index.js.

I think it may have something to do with the fact that the packages don't have a root index.js and instead export a dist folder.

Steps to repro

  1. Create a blank package: npm init or yarn init.
  2. Step type: "module" in package.json.
  3. Install the package per the README: yarn add @bramus/pagination-sequence.
  4. Create an index.js with the following contents:
import { generate } from '@bramus/pagination-sequence';

const sequence = generate(67, 74);

Run node index.js. Observe the following error:

Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package '/sandbox/node_modules/@bramus/pagination-sequence/' imported from /sandbox/index.js

Changing the import statement to @bramus/pagination-sequence/dist/index.js works.


Node version: 16.13.0

I was under the impression that node would properly check the "module" value from package.json, but apparently that's not the case: it always calls legacyMainResolve internally.

Added a "main" key to fix this error, but that will most likely conflict with legacy CommonJS imports (which are not supported).