
Participate at ETHDenver 2021 virtual hackathon

branciard opened this issue · 2 comments

The event runs from 5th to 12th February..
Hackathon bounty details will be announced shortly, but needless to say, there will be a Polkadot track to spark up your neurons!

We can create a team PolkadotFrenchAmbassadors"" to participate to this virtual hackthon.
To participate we must be at least 2 and max 4 peoples. If we are more than 4 we can make several teams.
here a poll

You can comment on this issue with some ideas and signaling your participation.
If team creation succeed, we will make a presentation, preparation, brainstorming call before the hackathon.

I can join a team but I will be active on week-end and after 6pm during the week as I am at work during the day.

Hello, I'm onboard !
The UN sustainability goals track sounds interesting.