Python version of NASA DE4xx ephemerides, the basis for the Astronomical Alamanac
- 0
- 0
Ability to read INPOP ephemerides
#55 opened by dlakaplan - 14
Unable to excerpt kernel with many segments
#54 opened by miccoli - 12
- 3
Data type 21 and 17 not compatible
#26 opened by dragonlost - 6
data type 1 SPK kernel
#14 opened by migueldvb - 2
How to make a PR against pypi documentation?
#42 opened by nbelakovski - 6
Information on coordinate systems needed
#46 opened by avanc - 0
Test failure on BE architectures
#51 opened by avalentino - 4
- 2
Expose version as __version__
#47 opened by pllim - 7
Segments with same keys
#45 opened by TuSKan - 5
[Question] Loading part files together?
#44 opened by TuSKan - 3
Error on travis-ci
#41 opened by paulray - 11
Position difference between spiceypy and jplephem (order of 1e-5 km); velocity OK
#33 opened by ChristopherRabotin - 9
Can handle de438t.bsp correctly?
#40 opened by pdh0710 - 9
Numpy requirement unclear in metadata
#34 opened by thatch - 2
Ephemeris query for Vesta and Ceres
#32 opened by shbhuk - 3
- 1
- 4
- 2
Can this read little-endian binary JPL files?
#31 opened by jamadagni - 7
Format question: difference between segment.start_jd and initial_epoch
#29 opened by ChristopherRabotin - 4
- 3
Extract data type 2 raw coefficients
#28 opened by ChristopherRabotin - 6
jplephem should cleanup resources better
#24 opened by kghose - 2
Comparison with JPL Horizons
#23 opened by tmamedzadeh - 7
Velocities units
#19 opened by voronY - 7
- 1
jplephem on raspberry pi
#21 opened by oopfan - 0
Provide close methods?
#18 opened by mhvk - 2
- 3
- 5
Velocity units
#11 opened by astrojuanlu - 4
JPLEphem2.0 with Skyfield
#8 opened by cnwangfeng - 3
Windows Compatibility
#13 opened by davepsilon - 13
Error when opening de405.bsp
#12 opened by astrojuanlu - 6
Retrieve input parameters for ephemeris
#9 opened by astrojuanlu - 11
Ephemerides not pip-installable
#7 opened by astrojuanlu - 3
jpltest fails for de421
#5 opened by astrojuanlu - 3
Unable to run jpltest
#4 opened by astrojuanlu