
"Feature" request: an extension for searching number ranges on the page

Joshfindit opened this issue · 2 comments


find+ is awesome and has served well for many things, but what I was really looking for when I found it is something that lets me do things like:

  • x >= 100
  • 3 <= x <= 22
  • x = $45.00..$60.99 *This one would be awesome, but probably extremely difficult to implement. Helps avoid matching junk when looking at store listings.

Note: I was going to put more examples, but now with find+, I realize I'm probably almost always going to be searching for numbers, especially on ecommerce stores

All of these can be accomplished using regular expressions, you just have to get a bit creative. Maybe have a look here.

  • ^\d{3,}$
  • ^([3-9])|(1\d)|(2[0-2])$
  • ^\$(4[5-9]\.\d\d)|(5\d\.\d\d)|(60\.\d\d)$

Oh certainly. regex can essentially accomplish anything, but it’s cumbersome for numbers, and un-glanceable for anything mildly complex.

I certainly respect your preference for regex so I won’t push it.
But if you ever decide to put in a “numbers” mode, I’m there 🚀