
Dashboard configuration

linuxbsdfreak opened this issue · 3 comments


I have the varnish agent running on all my varnish servers on port 6085.

I have a standalone nginx machine which has the dashboard configured to be displayed . I have changed the config.js to point to the varnish servers.

var config = {
servers: [{
name: "varnishhost",
host: remote-varnish-server-ip,
port: 6085,
user: "admin",
pass: "password"
groups: [],
update_freq: 2000,
max_points: 100,
default_log_fetch: 10000,
default_log_display: 100,
show_bans_page: true,
show_manage_server_page: true,
show_vcl_page: true,
show_stats_page: true,
show_params_page: true,
show_logs_page: true,
show_restart_varnish_btn: true

The UI shows only Status 404 not found. Could you help me what am i doing wrong?. Also how do i group servers for eg: PRD/STG . Do i need to extend the array? Do you have some sample config files?



Any updated regarding the configuration? I would like to have a centralized dashboard for varnish. Instead of installing the dashboard on each instance.


I think this your answer:

Known Issues

Due to cross site origin limitations, the dashboard will only work if it's on the same subdomain as varnish agent (meaning you must use it with the -H option of Varnish Agent, preventing the usage of multiple servers). I've submitted a patch to Varnish Agent to fix this, but until it's merged, only one varnish backend is supported.

So if you have a Varnish 4.0 and build the varnish-agent from GIT Master you should be able to accomplish what you want to do


I am facing same issue. even if is set the remote IP or host name in config.js, the dashboard is accessed own hostname/status,

the vagent is already merged CROSS Origin header issue.
but dashboard could not trying to access the remote host.