
v0.14.3 falis to extract links

Closed this issue · 5 comments

v0.14.3 fails to extract links.

require 'json_schema'
schema_data = JSON.parse('./sample_schema.json'))
schema = JsonSchema.parse!(schema_data)
=> #<JsonSchema::Schema pointer=#/definitions/app>
irb(main):010:0> schema.definitions['app'].links
TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String
	from /Users/ohkuma/workspace/json_schema/lib/json_schema/schema.rb:249:in `+'
	from /Users/ohkuma/workspace/json_schema/lib/json_schema/schema.rb:249:in `pointer'
	from /Users/ohkuma/workspace/json_schema/lib/json_schema/schema.rb:203:in `inspect'
	from /Users/ohkuma/.rbenv/versions/2.2.4/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'

This is sample_schema.json(extracted from )

	"$schema": "",
	"title": "Example API",
	"description": "An example API.",
	"type": [
	"definitions": {
		"app": {
			"$schema": "",
			"title": "App",
			"description": "An app.",
			"id": "schemata/app",
			"type": [
			"definitions": {
				"config_vars": {
					"patternProperties": {
						"^\\w+$": {
							"type": ["null", "string"]
				"contrived": {
					"allOf": [{
						"maxLength": 30
					}, {
						"minLength": 3
					"anyOf": [{
						"minLength": 3
					}, {
						"minLength": 5
					"oneOf": [{
						"pattern": "^(foo|aaa)$"
					}, {
						"pattern": "^(foo|zzz)$"
					"not": {
						"pattern": "^$"
				"contrived_plus": {
					"allOf": [{
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/contrived/allOf/0"
					}, {
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/contrived/allOf/1"
					"anyOf": [{
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/contrived/anyOf/0"
					}, {
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/contrived/anyOf/1"
					"oneOf": [{
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/contrived/oneOf/0"
					}, {
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/contrived/oneOf/1"
					"not": {
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/contrived/not"
				"cost": {
					"description": "running price of an app",
					"example": 35.01,
					"maximum": 1000.00,
					"exclusiveMaximum": true,
					"minimum": 0.0,
					"exclusiveMinimum": false,
					"multipleOf": 0.01,
					"readOnly": false,
					"type": ["number"]
				"flags": {
					"description": "flags for an app",
					"example": ["websockets"],
					"items": {
						"pattern": "^[a-z][a-z\\-]*[a-z]$"
					"maxItems": 10,
					"minItems": 1,
					"readOnly": false,
					"type": ["array"],
					"uniqueItems": true
				"id": {
					"description": "integer identifier of an app",
					"example": 1,
					"maximum": 10000,
					"exclusiveMaximum": false,
					"minimum": 0,
					"exclusiveMinimum": true,
					"multipleOf": 1,
					"readOnly": true,
					"type": ["integer"]
				"identity": {
					"anyOf": [{
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/id"
					}, {
						"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/name"
				"name": {
					"default": "hello-world",
					"description": "unique name of app",
					"example": "name",
					"maxLength": 30,
					"minLength": 3,
					"pattern": "^[a-z][a-z0-9-]{3,30}$",
					"readOnly": false,
					"type": ["string"]
				"owner": {
					"description": "owner of the app",
					"format": "email",
					"example": "",
					"readOnly": false,
					"type": ["string"]
				"production": {
					"description": "whether this is a production app",
					"example": false,
					"readOnly": false,
					"type": ["boolean"]
				"role": {
					"description": "name of a role on an app",
					"example": "collaborator",
					"readOnly": true,
					"type": ["string"]
				"roles": {
					"additionalProperties": true,
					"patternProperties": {
						"^\\w+$": {
							"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/role"
				"ssl": {
					"description": "whether this app has SSL termination",
					"example": false,
					"readOnly": false,
					"type": ["boolean"]
				"visibility": {
					"description": "the visibility of hte app",
					"enum": ["private", "public"],
					"example": false,
					"readOnly": false,
					"type": ["string"]
			"properties": {
				"config_vars": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/config_vars"
				"contrived": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/contrived"
				"cost": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/cost"
				"flags": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/flags"
				"id": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/id"
				"name": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/name"
				"owner": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/owner"
				"production": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/production"
				"ssl": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/ssl"
				"visibility": {
					"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/visibility"
			"additionalProperties": false,
			"dependencies": {
				"production": "ssl",
				"ssl": {
					"properties": {
						"cost": {
							"minimum": 20.0
						"name": {
							"$ref": "/schemata/app#/definitions/name"
			"maxProperties": 10,
			"minProperties": 1,
			"required": ["name"],
			"links": [{
				"description": "Create a new app.",
				"href": "/apps",
				"method": "POST",
				"rel": "create",
				"schema": {
					"properties": {
						"name": {
							"$ref": "#/definitions/app/definitions/name"
				"targetSchema": {
					"$ref": "#/definitions/app"
			"media": {
				"type": "application/json"
			"pathStart": "/",
			"readOnly": false
	"properties": {
		"app": {
			"$ref": "#/definitions/app"
	"links": [{
		"href": "",
		"rel": "self"

Using with rails may cause this errors.

In non-rails project(Gemfile includes only json_schema), it works.
In rails 4.1.15 and with latest json_schema(0.14.3), fails to extract links.
In rails 4.1.15 and with downgraded json_schema(0.14.1), it works.

@hokuma Sorry to hear about the trouble!

Could you try cloning down this repository and seeing if you can reproduce the problem?

I bundled Rails in and tried requiring some of its standard libraries, but haven't been able to reproduce yet.

@brandur Thank you for your response.

I tried in, and app.rb didn't cause any errors.

But calling inspect reproduced errors.

puts schema.definitions['app'].links.inspect

Originally, I saw this errors in rails console(same as irb) which use inspect for output. json_schema has the same method which is defined in here.
It seems that this conflict cause the errors.

Altogether, there is no problem to extract links except irb enviroment.

@hokuma Aha! Thank you.

That actually makes sense. The test coverage on #inspect is atrocious right now and that whole method needs to be reimplemented. I'll take a look at a fix.

Fix released as 0.14.4. Sorry about the trouble here :/