
is there a way to disabled paging-action programmatically ?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

been using this component.. it's awesome component ! However, I've been wondering. is there a way to disabled the paging programmatically like if I put an attribute

$scope.disabled = true;


then the paging will be disabled till I put the $scope.disabled = false;

Hey ekarudianto,

Right now there is no way to programmatically disable the directive, but that is not to say you could not wrap the component around, or even add, an ng-if / show / switch / etc.. statment to say show and hide the directive or something.

Sounds like you are interested in 'greying out' the entire paging list? Which is a pretty cool idea but one I may not implement immediately. I'll mark this as an enhancement for the time being. Feel free to elaborate if this is not what you were thinking by disabled.

div paging

I am using your "paging directive" and in item_container I implemented as follows. ( curPage: 1, PageSize 18, Item count 11).
div ng-repeat="data in items | paginate: curPage * pageSize | limitTo: pageSize". But, I am not able to display items. I know i am missing to notice some minor thing. Thanks

Hey Femina,

I am creating a new issue for you since your question does not involve disabling the paging directive programmatically.

Closing this out as it is now implemented in the src files!
This update will be included in tag version 2.2.2