
something wrong with scope

esclkm opened this issue · 2 comments

I confugured your paging - and its working super! thanks
but when i insert it inside bootstrap ui (0/12/1) tabset -it lossing all config in the scope variable

how I can improve it?

Hey esclkm,

I've created a plunker to help explore this issue - feel free to modify to better suit your environment

Issue: It looks like we must use angular >= v1.3.1 for the paging directive
v1.3.1 introduced support in $collection for $watchCollection to be used in bi-directional bindings

It seems without bi-directional bindings ONLY the attributes we manually declare are considered
I found that by manually declaring attributes I was able to get this to work with angular 1.2.
For example, below and in the plunker I am manually setting the ul-class attribute to pagination

<div paging 

I need to think about if we should update the dependencies to angular v1.3.1 in the node and bower configs OR if we should drop the $watchCollection and just go back to using three $watch statements to support older angular versions.

I will aim to have this wrapped up by the weekend. I'd like to dig around a bit more to make sure there are no other older angular 1.2.x issues we may encounter.

Thank you so much for bringing this issue up!

Updated dependencies to angular v1.3.1 which supports $watchCollection - closing out this issue