
Closed this issue · 2 comments

Ads are sporadically visible on, even with Brave Shields set to "Aggressive" and "Fanboy Annoyances List" and "uBlock Annoyances List" enabled as well.

These are Bing ads, as can be seen in the OnMouseOver tooltip at the bottom of the browser window.

When uBlock Origin is enabled, the ads are correctly removed.

Example URL:

Actual result:
Ads are not being blocked.

Screenshot A:
Screenshot A

Expected result:
The Ads should be blocked. The below screenshot is after enabling uBlock Origin and refreshing the page.

Screenshot B:
Screenshot B

Brave version (brave://version info):

Brave:    1.50.121 Chromium: 112.0.5615.138 (Official Build) (64-bit) 
Revision: 2258f2fcaeb07bc95c992b7ca47f0b43ead9865c-refs/branch-heads/5615@{#1282}
OS:       Windows 10 Version 22H2 (Build 19045.2846)

Filter list versions:

Brave Ad Block Updater - Version: 1.0.275
Fanboy Annoyances List - Version: 1.0.256
uBlock Annoyances List (used with Fanboy Annoyances List) - Version: 1.0.154

Initially I though this was a Brave issue as the ads disappeared when enabling uBlock Origin, however now I'm not sure.

This morning, the issue appeared again, however after just refreshing the page the ads were no longer being displayed. Therefore, it's possible DuckDuckGo or Bing are doing some sort of A/B testing.

The below screenshot shows the ads that were displayed this morning:

Screenshot C:

Screenshot C

Marked as closed, as these particular ads now appear to be blocked by Easylist.