
ruadlist doesn't work right with Brave's adblocker

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Since Brave's adblocker announced it's compatible with UbO's filters, I used RuAdList-uBO.txt only to realize it doesn't support a filter including other filters like that. I ended up have to add each filter file of the ruadlist collection manually (so many of them!). It's somewhat worked, but still not as optimal as it is on UbO. On there is still empty ad container boxes. These boxes should be removed (as they are on UbO). I'm always using dark mode, having a white box on a dark background make my eyes hurt. Please fix it.

Update: my guess is Brave's adblocker does not fully support all of UbO's features so filter lists like css-fixes-experimental.txt and js-fixes-experimental.txt doesn't work optimally, I might have to install Stylus and ViolenMonkey to use the corresponding fixes like when using with Adblock Plus as stated on the easylist forum. But, it shouldn't be the case! Brave's adblocker should be compatible with all UbO filters isn't it?

@tn1997tn Brave offers a preprocessed version of RU AdList in the brave://settings/shields/filters page, which might be a bit easier to enable than adding all of the files manually. See below:


Brave's adblocker should be compatible with all UbO filters isn't it?

adblock-rust is mostly compatible with uBO syntax, and getting closer over time. There's still a couple of differences but I'm working on getting them sorted out as much as possible.

still not as optimal as it is on UbO. On there is still empty ad container boxes

Regarding particular filter list issues on, @ryanbr could you take a look?

@tn1997tn What issues are with what should I be looking for?

@tn1997tn What issues are with what should I be looking for?

There is still empty white box (used to be ads container, ads blocked, but the container is still there). Not only on page but on articles page too. UbO correctly blocked all of these empty white boxes.

Enabled both Russian lists (RU Adlist, Adguard Russian) @tn1997tn What I'm seeing;


Is this what you're seeing?

It turned out you are even worse than me. Notice the area in the red rectangle, they are white boxes on my system.


From this image, it seems Ru AdList simply not working for you!

Plus, you are using normal Ru AdList for Adblock Plus:

        "uuid": "80470EEC-970F-4F2C-BF6B-4810520C72E6",
        "url": "",
        "title": "RU AdList (Дополнительная региональная подписка)",
        "format": "Standard",
        "langs": ["ru", "uk", "be"],
        "support_url": "",
        "component_id": "enkheaiicpeffbfgjiklngbpkilnbkoi",
        "base64_public_key": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEArVVgKRE868yup0HfX4+HyZmJVIk33AKivwvRRfjHRxeC+lLnRjNiY0LKS/K65J6SNLgUsZGfT5u4h4F423O/pbZl6zdfs5kOyStlmLPXhFtF/bIXIsUtdJ0R3dEz+nSg0C2L/FnE5Qr8M4thdmq/DIP1C70mj8pCnX1939hXyR0ymQkYp573O+LJ0q1L41jBqHzNKWngfBc79I2Kbt1pLluBT2X7zZVbb+1ap3Ad/VMeFDB2yurRs88cYJZOal7mgTgI/Zkuzsh2Dnql5+UNOCHinYjcOvUifGgkdsJIJxL57PxRzbriLCNjShoOV3Fpc0XYL1KSWvIVuW0bYeLmrwIDAQAB",
        "desc": "Removes advertisements from Russian websites",
        "list_text_component": {
            "component_id": "phmomndefejccjmpiehbogokakkmnmgb",
            "base64_public_key": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtUdVZS1RGK6o+gfhEu1d8o061nYg/QCvHhojbyt09I3H+sc3lIr1cpK37msXq+DaFQ1LHbNk+9wTDfe7IIpvMFGSWx27P0T0mh63qjuFzfP5dSIDWhlCgPl8bUbHkf3e1bbNC1TAlGQDjZdxz7t/qDfslICWXLcKVz/1BtT/kG1PPrXjRq+NKBEqqV841RAIXnH4/LcfNLVCTs6EFvqRva4aN1DHuZdejLAMAbgR6JH0cMJ9RBO/5/ebZUL6C0XFjobgdj/2Rh+GYSrxL3jDql7jheKOrTbpJx81z3iUNwghrlHD56BbFs0eC3ZOAYHbIdYBkFIUPwpL78v5xyA94QIDAQAB"

(taken from

Ru AdList for UbO is

See this thread for more detail:

Btw, please use only Ru AdList. As I recall Adguard said it's not recommended to use Adguard Russian with Ru AdList as it will cause conflicts. Please test the site and post the screenshot so I could tell exactly if Ru AdList is simply not working for you!

We don't support !include currently which limits support here @tn1997tn