Localize Brave Talk for JP
mrose17 opened this issue · 3 comments
mrose17 commented
Step one: find out the current status of adding i18n
mrose17 commented
As of this writing, neither talk.brave.com nor account.brave.com have 18n support; however, @tackley suggests using http://www.i18next.com/
To find out the status of i18n on 8x8.vc, this discussion issue has been opened
mrose17 commented
cf., https://github.com/jitsi/brave-tracker/issues/25#issuecomment-933871423 viz.,
Here's some documentation on how to set the language via the API and the specificities of it: https://developer.8x8.com/jaas/docs/customize-ui-default-language
By default the application would use the browser default and users can change it manually via Settings/More/Language in the app.```