Able to join a Web3 call without any NFTs from required NFT collection in Wallet
srirambv opened this issue · 3 comments
srirambv commented
Able to join a Web3 call without any NFTs from required NFT collection in Wallet
- Create a Web3 Call using Moderator NFT with Premium account
- Select your NFT collection in the required NFTs options
- Join the call from a different browser with a new Wallet account created on MM
- Able to successfully join the call and get moderator status because of #825
Actual Result
Able to join a Web3 call without any NFTs from required NFT collection in Wallet
Expected Result
Should not be allowed to join the call if the user wallet doesn't have the required NFT from a collection
Additional Information
cc: @mrose17
mrose17 commented
Thanks. We've been looking into this and hope to have a resolution later today.
johnhalbert commented
@srirambv this is ready for re-test
srirambv commented