
No signature of method

jsukdeo opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi Brian, great work on the Sense integration to SmartThings. I'm trying to get mine to work. I've tried to install a few times, but I'm not getting the readings. I've checked the IDE log and I see this error:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:

Can you assist?


What's the other context of that error? Can you get a line number?

This is the full error: error groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: script_app_e1863abb38f0e44b66691da4fc26884662246547afe674035d72fdeef22ceb66.senseServiceUpdate() is applicable for argument types: () values: []

Weird. What do things look like on the Node side? Does the console show that devices are being sent to the ST hub?

Doesn't look good there...

jay@Jays-iMac node_server % node server.js
5/20/2020, 2:23:01 PM | Sense Monitor Service (v1.0.1) is Running at (IP: | Port: 9021) | ProcessId: 1025
5/20/2020, 2:23:01 PM | FATAL ERROR: undefined
exitHandler: (PID: 1025) { exit: true } 0
jay@Jays-iMac node_server %

Yeah you need to get that part running first. I've not tried to run it on a Mac, so I'm not sure what's up there, sorry. I know a few people have had issues lately running it on newer versions of rPi's due to the SSL version the Sense API uses, so that could be part of your issue. The fix in that case was to use an older version of rPi, but I'm not sure how that would translate for you.

Ok thanks, I'll check that out!