
Copy DOM, textarea or fields values to clipboard, no Flash, only 1.75kB minified (0.95kB gzipped)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Copy DOM, textarea or fields values to clipboard, no Flash, only 2.3kB minified (1.14kB gzipped).


Include lib

<script src="simple-copy.min.js"></script>

Or use CDN:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-copy.js@0.5/simple-copy.min.js"></script>


const SimpleCopy = require('simple-copy.js');

Import ES6 (and "libs" like Angular/Vue-cli):

import SimpleCopy from 'simple-copy.js'


requirejs(['folder/foo/bar/simple-copy'], function (SimpleCopy) {


Copying content from a element using selector:


Copying text from a element using selector:

SimpleCopy.copy("<selector>", { "text": true });

Copying entire element using selector:

SimpleCopy.copy("<selector>", { "node": true });

Copying content from a element using selector:

var element = document.querySelector(".foobar");

Copying text from a element using selector:

var element = document.getElementById("idelement");
SimpleCopy.copy(element, { "text": true });

Copying entire element:

var element = document.getElementsByClassName("<class>");
SimpleCopy.copy(element[0], { "node": true });

Select text in a element using selector:


Select content in a element:

var element = document.querySelector(".foobar");

Select entire node:

var element = document.querySelector(".foobar");
SimpleCopy.select(element, { "node": true });

Set text in clipboard:

SimpleCopy.data("Hello, world!");

Copy content from element defined in data attributes:

<button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>">Copy</button>

Copy entire element defined in data attributes:

<button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>" data-simplecopy-node="true">Copy</button>

Select content from element defined in data attributes:

<button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>" data-simplecopy-select="true">Select text</button>

Copy html content without format:

<button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>" data-simplecopy-text="true">Copy</button>

Set text in clipboard by data attribute:

<button data-simplecopy-data="Hello, world!">Copy text</button>

Copying values from select[multiple]

Using API for copy multiple values in <select multiple></select>:

SimpleCopy.copy("<selector>", { "multiple": "," });

In example comma is used to join multiple values, returning foo,bar,baz, if change to:

SimpleCopy.copy("<selector>", { "multiple": "|" });

Returns: foo|bar|baz

You can use data attribute for copy multiple values in <select multiple></select>, example:

<select multiple class="foobar">
    <option value="foo">Foo</option>
    <option value="Bar" multiple>Bar</option>
    <option value="Baz">Baz</option>
    <option value="fooled you!" multiple>Bazinga</option>



Method Description
SimpleCopy.copy(target[, options]) Copy the contents of an HTML element
SimpleCopy.select(target[, options]); Select the contents of an HTML element
SimpleCopy.data(text); Set plain text in clipboard


In SimpleCopy.copy and SimpleCopy.select you can define behavior, example:

SimpleCopy.copy(target, {
    "text": true
Property type default description
text: bool false If true copy node without markup (only text). Available only SimpleCopy.copy
node: bool false If true copy entire node, if false copy node contents. Available in SimpleCopy.copy and SimpleCopy.select
multiple: string null This property is only used when copy <select multiple> only, if multiple is not defined only first option selected is setted in clipboard, if define a "separator" like ; is setted in clipboard something like this: foo;bar;baz (for each selected option). Available only SimpleCopy.copy

HTML5 data attribute

Property equivalent example description
data-simplecopy-target - <button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>">Copy</button> -
data-simplecopy-select SimpleCopy.select(<selector>) <button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>" data-simplecopy-select="true">Copy</button> -
data-simplecopy-text text: <button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>" data-simplecopy-text="true">Copy</button> -
data-simplecopy-node node: <button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>" data-simplecopy-node="true">Copy</button> -
data-simplecopy-multiple multiple: <button data-simplecopy-target="<selector>" data-simplecopy-multiple=";">Copy</button> -
data-simplecopy-data SimpleCopy.data(<text>) <button data-simplecopy-data="<text>">Copy</button> -
simple-copy-ignore - <element data-simplecopy-ignore="true">.....</element> Ignore element if parents elements has data-simplecopy-text or if uses SimpleCopy.copy(target, { "text": true });

jQuery clipboard API

Method Equivalent
$("<selector>").simpleCopy("copy") SimpleCopy.copy("<selector>")
$(element).simpleCopy("copy") SimpleCopy.copy(element)
$("<selector>").simpleCopy("copy", { "text": true }) SimpleCopy.copy("<selector>", { "text": true })
$("<selector>").simpleCopy("copy", { "node": true }) SimpleCopy.copy("<selector>", { "node": true })
$("<selector>").simpleCopy("copy", { "multiple": ";" }) SimpleCopy.copy("<selector>", { "multiple": ";" })
$("<selector>").simpleCopy("select") SimpleCopy.select("<selector>")
$(element).simpleCopy("select") SimpleCopy.select(element)
$("<selector>").simpleCopy("select", { "node": true }) SimpleCopy.select("<selector>", { "node": true })

Browser Support

Chrome Firefox Opera Edge Safari IE9+
Latest ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔ 10+ ✔ 9+ ✔