Incompatible with Storybook 8.0.6
dgibson666 opened this issue · 6 comments
After upgrading Storybook to the latest v8.06, I get the following warnings in the CLI:
WARN The following packages are incompatible with Storybook 8.0.6 as they depend on different major versions of Storybook packages:
WARN - wc-storybook-helpers@2.0.1
WARN Repo:
I am also experiencing this on 8.0.8
Thank you for letting me know! This is likely because we also support v7 APIs, but we should be able to fix this.
This should now be fixed in release 2.0.2
Closing for now. Let me know if you run into any issues.
Got around to trying out the latest but getting the following
Here is my full story
import { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/web-components';
import './scoped-notification.slds';
import { NjcSldsScopedNotification } from './scoped-notification.slds';
import { getWcStorybookHelpers } from 'wc-storybook-helpers';
const { events, args, argTypes, template } =
const meta: Meta<NjcSldsScopedNotification> = {
title: 'Components/ScopedNotification/Slds',
component: 'nsc-scoped-notification',
parameters: {
actions: {
handles: events,
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<NjcSldsScopedNotification & {slotContent: string}>;
export const Example: Story = {
render: (args) => template(args),
args: {
slotContent: 'Slot',
theme: 'success',
Make sure you are using the @tag
or @tagName
jsDoc tag in your component.