
Go version 1.18

Ubuntu 22.04

Compiled version

This is the compiled version to make it easier for validators, node operators or developers to run a full node.

Pre-requisite step

1) Install Golang:

Install latest go version

wget -q -O - | bash -s -- --version 1.18
source ~/.profile

To verify that Golang installed

go version

It should return go version go1.18 linux/amd64

How to run a fullnode using Ubuntu 22.04

git clone
cd blockx-node-public-compiled

How to become a validator using Ubuntu 22.04

Open with any text editor, and change configurations as you need.

Then run the script.


How to add a key

blockxd keys add <your key name> --keyring-backend file --algo eth_secp256k1
# e.g.  blockxd keys add mykey --keyring-backend file --algo eth_secp256k1